It begins with exploration

At 40, everything felt like a struggle. I asked myself why? Why do I feel tired even after a full night’s sleep? Why am I always angry? Why is exercise no longer giving me results? Am I truly fulfilled by my work? And why am I so bloated? So, I set out to find the answers.

As I explored, I discovered that the answers to these and many other questions were within me all along. I started with what I knew—moving my body to stay strong and eating well—and made small tweaks that led to noticeable changes. Then I leaned into discomfort. I considered my gut health, explored emotions deeply, reconnected with my instincts, and celebrated my creativity. I quieted my racing thoughts and negative self-talk. I became attuned to my hormones, rediscovered laughter, and taught myself to sleep peacefully for 8 hours most nights. I tapped into my inner sage, listened to her wisdom, and responded.

Once I unlocked that inner wisdom, no health question was too difficult to examine and answer.

For two years, I’ve been helping women connect with their inner sage. She is unique, beautiful, powerful, and ready to help you feel well. Are you ready to meet her? Sign up for a free Health History session here.